We aim to resolve complaints as quickly as possible. Please inform your ISS representative if you have a complaint about an ISS product as soon as you can. You will be sent as ISS complaints report which will allow us to determine all the necessary details regarding the complaint. Once we have received the completed ISS complaints form with the associated documentation we will aim to be on site as soon as we can, and in most instances, we will be there within 2 working days.
If the slates have been sent to your customer, please refrain from offering any credits before an ISS representative has been to site, if you do and ISS are not in agreement with the complaint it can leave you in a difficult position and can end up with you providing a larger credit to your customer then ISS is prepared to give to you. Management of your customers’ expectations in the short term means not offering a credit until all the facts have been gathered and an ISS site inspection has been carried out.
For smaller credits we do empower our BDM’s to make a local decision to replace or credit slates, however please understand that if the complaint is too large the decision will need to be rereviewed and decided at head office.
Please put all defective slates to one side, do not throw them away, otherwise we have no proof that the complaint is legitimate or that the quantities are correct. For example, if you are looking for a credit of 100 slates but half of the defective slates are thrown away, then we will only be able to credit a maximum of 50 slates.
Also please keep crates and crate labels to help us identify that they are ISS slates and not supplied from a competitor.
When evaluating if the complaint is legitimate we also ask you to consider the selection of slate that has been purchased, for example is the product a contractor/standard grade slate, and is your customer expecting an ultra grade quality. We refer you to our classification guide, at: https://independentslatesupplies.com/classifications/
We reserve the right to take pictures as we may need photographic evidence to report back to the associated quarry.
Please understand that slate is a natural product, and as such there can, from time to time be variations in quality. We try out best to only source from the most reputable producers but there are no slate quarries with perfect quality control. We take complaints very seriously and we strive to resolve them quickly and professionally.
Any abusive or threatening behaviour towards ISS staff when visiting site will not be tolerated.